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Letter commending Kendrick for his service in the U.S.V.L.S.C. The letter is dated July 16, 1991.

Angels Over Iwo.jpg
This a poem about the Battle of Iwo Jima written by Gerard Becker.

This is a copy of Becker's short story.

gerald becker story.mp3
Gerard Becker reading his short story The Empty Chair.

gerald becker.mp3
Gerard talks about his passion for writing and his writing habits. He provides a synopsis of his short story The Empty Chair.

george porhat 1.mp3
George provided amusing tales about his childhood in Yonkers and experiences in the Army. He also talked about his family's history.

Document from Fred Danback, Vice Admiral and co-founder of the Yonkers Chapter of the United States Volunteer Life Saving Corps, officially transferring Kendrick's boat to the YFD.

Photo of Frank Sullo in front of barbed wire. "To Mom and Dad" is written on the top right corner.

Three unidentified soldiers. Frank Sullo is the fourth on the right.

Unidentified soldier and Frank Sullo (man on the right).
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