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This a brochure of children's programs at all branches of the Yonkers Public Library from the Winter of 1992 to the Spring of 1993.

This a brochure of children's programs at all branches of the Yonkers Public Library during the Summer of 1992.

Angels Over Iwo.jpg
This a poem about the Battle of Iwo Jima written by Gerard Becker.

This is a page from the 1984 annual report.

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This is the digitized Yonkers Public Library annual report for 1991.

The design of the report received a "honorable mention" for the American Library Association (ALA) and was on display at the ALA conference.
These are two pages from the report.

The Yonkers Public Library Annual 1985 Annual Report won the 1986 Library Public Relations Council competition for excellence in library print publicity for libraries that serve more than 65,000 people.
These are two pages from it.

These pages from the report. Parts of it are missing.


The Library Public Relations Council awarded the Yonkers Public Library a certificate of merit for the design of its 1989 annual brochure.
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