Cindy Lopez (Superintendent of CSEE) and Sobeida Cruz (a co-founder of CSEE) talk about the mission of the school. They describe its individualistic approach to learning and working with other organizations in Yonkers.
Mr. Abate describes the process of getting Tyrone Pannell, a Marine Lieutenant who was killed in Vietnam, inducted the Manhattan College Hall of Fame and meeting Tyrone's daughter. This experience and getting to know World War Two veterans, moved…
This letter is in regards to the reinstatement of the Yonkers branch of the U.S.V.L.S.C.. by the Secretary of State of New York.
This letter was written on June 29, 1954.
This letter informed Ottinger, who wrote a letter on behalf of the U.S.V.L.S.C., that his letter was being researched by the general counsel of the Secretary of Defense for legal legitimacy.
Ray Wilcox, executive director of Yonkers Arts, describes working in an corporate environment and racism that he witnessed. He talks about Yonkers Arts projects, including the Black Lives Matter mural and the I Am a Hero program.
Ray talks about how little people know about World War Two. Please note that parts of the interview are a little muffled due to the age of the age of the cassette that the recording was converted from.