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Award to Captain Frank and Kay Kendrick who served the United States Volunteer Life Saving Corps for over 50 years.




Fashion History of Yonkers Librarians.pdf
In this photo essay, using archival materials the Yonkers Public Library and oral history interviews with YPL librarians Eugene Howell and Mary Robison, Sarah Lawrence student Molly Blade talks about shifting gendered expectations for librarian…

grinton i interview-farms n.r.mp3
Grinton I. Will and Clarissa L. Will talk about a farm in Yonkers that went from Nepperhan Ave to Valley Ave.

This postcard is dated August 27, 1925.


Elusive Answers.pdf
Jim Tritten provides a written history of his family members that came from Bodrog Szentes, Hungary. He chronicles their journey to the United States and how they assimilated into Yonkers. Tritten describes going back to the village his ancestors…

Daisy Armas - Mother, Family History Project.mp3
These are interviews with Alexandra's mother Daisy Armas and her grandmother Theresa Salvador.

This was created by Katori Walker.

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