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Vlahopoulos, a member of the Life Saving Corps, was at the JFK Marina for the opening of a boat launch ramp.

The letter is dated October 25, 1982.

The Life Saving Benevolent Association award was presented to her on behalf of Frank Kendrick.

Kay Kendrick was presented this award on behalf of Frank Kendrick.
The award was earned from the actions by Frank Kendrick on September 11, 2002. He rescued a woman who had jumped into the Hudson River in an attempt to kill herself. Unfortunately,…

Document from Fred Danback, Vice Admiral and co-founder of the Yonkers Chapter of the United States Volunteer Life Saving Corps, officially transferring Kendrick's boat to the YFD.

Three men are aboard Frank Kendrick's boat that was donated to the Yonkers Fire Department after his death.

The letter is from The Eye-Bank For Sight Restoration, INC. to Kay Kendrick presenting her with the New York State's Gift of Life Medal award.

Letter commending Kendrick for his service in the U.S.V.L.S.C. The letter is dated July 16, 1991.

Russell Kleius relays his fond memories of Frank and Kay Kendrick in this letter shortly after Frank's death.
The letter is dated September 15, 2002.

The letter is about Frank Kendrick aiding people under attack at the Tanglewood Shopping Center.
The letter is dated October 4, 1990.
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