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2019.008.064 (cover).jpg
The report provides a detailed description of U.S.V.L.S.C. operations during the year 1966.

2019.008.063 (cover).jpg
The report provides a detailed description of U.S.V.L.S.C. operations from May 6, 1962 to December 20, 1962.

2019.008.062 (1).jpg
The report provides a detailed description of U.S.V.L.S.C. operations from March 21, 1961 to October 12, 1961.

2019.008.061 (1).jpg
The report provides a detailed description of U.S.V.L.S.C. operations from April 24, 1960 to August 11, 1960.

Detailed report of U.S.V.L.S.C. activities from late 1959 to October 15, 1959

2019.008.059 cover.jpg
Detailed report of U.S.V.L.S.C. activities from the end of 1957 to June 21, 1958.

Mayor Flynn is the third person on the bottom row kneeling. Frank Kendrick is to his right.

Mayor Zaleski was at the JFK Marina for a ribbon cutting ceremony that opened a new boat launch ramp. This event was on April 7, 1995.
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