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The letter is from The Eye-Bank For Sight Restoration, INC. to Kay Kendrick presenting her with the New York State's Gift of Life Medal award.

The State of New York Medal of Merit was awarded to August Held on March 21, 2002. Mr. Held was the president and an admiral of the U.S.V.L.S.C.

alex strohmayer and standford bernstein.jpg
Stanford is on the left; Alex is on the right.

stan bernstein re-edit.mp3
Stan talks about his service with 82nd Seabees on islands in the Pacific such as Guadalcanal, Bougainville, and Okinawa. The other voice towards the end of the interview is Alex Strohmayer's.

001 Yonkers StJohns VestryMinutes 1787-1811.pdf
Vestry minutes, typescript

Index of names in marriage records. Please contact the Archivist of the Episcopal Diocese of New York for more information. Please do not contact the church.

SJGS marriage index 1919-1946-2.pdf
Index of names in marriage records. Please contact the Archivist of the Episcopal Diocese of New York for more information. Please do not contact the church.

Index of names in baptismal, confirmation, and burial records. Please contact the Archivist of the Episcopal Diocese of New York for more information. Please do not contact the church.

Index of names in baptismal, cinfirmation, marriage, and burial records. Please contact the Archivist of the Episcopal Diocese of New York for mor einformation. Please do not contact the church.

Index of names in baptismal, confirmation, marriage, and burial records. Please contact Wayne Kempton, archivist of the Episcopal Diocese of New York for more information. Please do not contact the church.
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