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These letters are in regards to August Held's award for his contribution in the United States of America v. Yonkers Contracting Company, INC. case. Mr. Held was the president of the United States Volunteer Life Saving Corps

The letter is in regards to a request made for surplus materials made by August Held, president of the United States Volunteer Life Saving Corps at the time.

The letter is dated October 11, 1967.

This in regards to the assistance provided by the U.S.V.L.S.C. in the rescue of two boys.

The letter is dated May 22, 1959

The State of New York Medal of Merit was awarded to August Held on March 21, 2002. Mr. Held was the president and an admiral of the U.S.V.L.S.C.

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Detailed report of U.S.V.L.S.C. activities from the end of 1957 to June 21, 1958.

Detailed report of U.S.V.L.S.C. activities from late 1959 to October 15, 1959

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The report provides a detailed description of U.S.V.L.S.C. operations from April 24, 1960 to August 11, 1960.

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The report provides a detailed description of U.S.V.L.S.C. operations from March 21, 1961 to October 12, 1961.

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The report provides a detailed description of U.S.V.L.S.C. operations from May 6, 1962 to December 20, 1962.

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The report provides a detailed description of U.S.V.L.S.C. operations during the year 1966.
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