Browse Items (1213 total)

Dick Gregory, attendee at funeral of Ossie Davis.

Unknown woman in mourning protestor

Speakers at the podium
Rev. Marsha Lee-Watson, Camille Yarbrough, Tiamoyo Karenga, Maulana Karenga and Al Sharpton

Photos (36).jpg
Rally sponsored by the National Action Network

darius baba part 1.mp3
Darius and Barbara talked about their families' history and persecution they faced during the Assyrian Genocide. Darius also talked about being fluent in Aramaic.

bill moye interview.mp3
As an African-American, Bill describes racist attitudes towards him despite serving his country during World War Two.

Please note that parts of the interview are a little muffled due to the age of the age of the cassette that the recording was…

Bob Abate Part 2.mp3
Mr. Abate recalls stories of some of the World Two veterans he interviewed.

robert abate segment 5.mp3
Robert talks about helping World War Two veterans get their high school diplomas and building a relationship with a veteran who rescued Senator Bob Dole.

YPL Podcast Episode 1 - The Carnegie Library 3 (1).mp3
This podcast series is about the history of the Carnegie Library and the lunettes that decorated its interior.

Gentrification The Next Generation.L.mp3
This podcast episode was created by Camryn Sanchez.

It is about the Yonkers desegregation case and inequality in Southwest Yonkers.

Michael Sussman, a former NAACP lawyer, is interviewed and provides background to the desegregation case and…
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