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Eleanora Lawrence interviewed Teresa Pereira, the artist responsible for murals in the Children's Floor at Riverfront and the Grinton I. Will library. The artist provided newspaper clippings featuring her work. The names of the individuals on the…

patrick rafferty.mp3
Patrick Raftery, author of The Cemeteries of Westchester County, talks about the history of cemeteries in Westchester County and Yonkers.

patrica vaccarino 2.mp3
Patricia talks about growing up in Yonkers and what makes it unique. She also talks about why she choose Yonkers for the setting of four of her books, two of which are being worked on. Patricia reminisces about the Yonkers Carnegie Library and what…

Ray talks about how little people know about World War Two. Please note that parts of the interview are a little muffled due to the age of the age of the cassette that the recording was converted from.

jeffrey gurian.mp3
Jeffrey Gurian, a comedian, comedy writer, author, radio personality and former dentist, talks about the harrowing experience of having COVID-19 and being in a crowded hospital filled with sick people. He describes how he used spiritual practices to…

grinton will-library history 1.mp3
Grinton I. Will talks about his career as a director of the Yonkers Public Library.

gerald becker.mp3
Gerard talks about his passion for writing and his writing habits. He provides a synopsis of his short story The Empty Chair.

frank fortuna reedit.mp3
Frank describes piloted a landing craft to Gold Beach on D-Day and other operations during the Invasion of Normandy during World War Two.

Cilin described how his job as an orthopedic physician assistant at Mount Sinai drastically changed when the COVID-19 pandemic began.Click here to watch the video of his interview.
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